823. Lightning arrester is used for-
Protection of equipment from external lightning
Protection of equipment from short circuits
Protection of equipment from open circuits
All of the above
827. একটি কম্পিউটারের Basic components হচ্ছে-
Input/Output devices, RAM and motherboard
Keyboard, monitor, memory and CPU
ক এবং খ উভয়ই
Keyboard, hard disk, processor and monitor
829. Material used for fuse must have--
Low-melting point & low-specific resistance
High-melting point & low-specific resistance
High-melting point & high-specific resistance
Low-melting point & high-specific resistance
834. Which is the main relay for protecting up to 90% of the transmission line-length in the forward direction?
Directional over-current relay
Mho relay
Carrier current protective relay
Impedance relay
837. Which one of the following relay has the capability of anticipating the possible major fault in a transformer?
Over current relay
Differential relay
Buchholz relay
Over-fluxing relay
838. কোন বৈশিষ্ট্যের কারণে RAM স্থায়ী স্মৃতি-স্টোরেজ হিসাবে ব্যবহার অনুপযোগী?
Too Slow
Too Bulky