1345. A bar L metre long and having its area of cross- section A, is subjected to a gradually applied tensile load W. The strain energy stored in the bar is --
1346. A masonry dam (density = 20,000 N/m3) 6 m high, one metre wide at the top and 4 m wide at the base, has vertical water face. The minimum stress at the base of the dam when the reservoir is full, will be --
75 N/m2
750 N/m2
7500 N/m2
75000 N/m
1347. At any point of a beam, the section modulus may be obtained by dividing the moment of inertia of the section by--
Depth of the section
Depth of the neutral axis
Maximum tensile stress at the section
Maximum compressive stress at the section
1348. If a concrete column 200 x 200 mm in cross- section is reinforced with four steel bars of 1200 mm2 total cross-sectional area. Calculate the safe load for the column if permissible stress in concrete is 5 N/mm2 and Es is 15 Ec
264 MN
274 MN
284 MN
294 MN
1351. For calculating the permissible stress 0 y/[(1+ a(l/r)]is the empirical formula, known as --
Straight line formula
Parabolic formula
Perry's formula
Rankine's formula
1352. An isolated load W is acting at a distance a from the left hand support, of a three hinged arch of span 21 and rise h hinged at the crown, the horizontal reaction at the support, is--
1357. The maximum bending moment for a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load w/unit length, is --
1358. The greatest load which a spring can carry without getting permanently distorted, is called--
Proof resilience
Proof stress
Proof load
1360. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
In a loaded beam, the moment at which the first yield occurs is called yield moment
In a loaded beam, the moment at which the entire section of the beam becomes fully plastic, is called plastic moment
In a fully plastic stage of the beam, the neutral axis divides the section in two sections of equal area
All the above