1. Top layer of corner reinforcement in slab is-
Parallel to diagonal of slab
Perpendicular to diagonal of slab
Parellel to short side of slab
Parallel to long side of slab
9. As per BNBC the minimum diameter of tie bar in a column is-- [ অনুযায়ী কলামের টাইবারের নুন্যতম ব্যাস হল--
8 mm
10 mm
12 mm
16 mm
13. What is the clear cover of column reinforcement? [কলামে রডের মুক্ত আচ্ছাদন কত?
1.0 in
1.5 in
2.0 in
3.0 in
16. The pacing of transverse reinforcement of columa is decided by the following considerations:
Pitched and sloping
Flat roof roof
Shell roof
None of those
18. A continuous beam is one which is--
fixed at both ends
fixed at one end and free at the other end
extending beyond the supports
supported on more than two supports
19. Beam ও Slab একত্রে ঢালাই করলে তাকে কী বলা হয়?
Continuous beam
কোনোটিই নয়