3. What is the clear cover of column reinforcement? [কলামে রডের মুক্ত আচ্ছাদন কত?
1.0 in
1.5 in
2.0 in
3.0 in
7. The pacing of transverse reinforcement of columa is decided by the following considerations:
Pitched and sloping
Flat roof roof
Shell roof
None of those
13. As per BNBC the minimum diameter of tie bar in a column is-- [ অনুযায়ী কলামের টাইবারের নুন্যতম ব্যাস হল--
8 mm
10 mm
12 mm
16 mm
16. Top layer of corner reinforcement in slab is-
Parallel to diagonal of slab
Perpendicular to diagonal of slab
Parellel to short side of slab
Parallel to long side of slab
18. A continuous beam is one which is--
fixed at both ends
fixed at one end and free at the other end
extending beyond the supports
supported on more than two supports
20. Beam ও Slab একত্রে ঢালাই করলে তাকে কী বলা হয়?
Continuous beam
কোনোটিই নয়