6441. Can anybody tell me (কেউ আমাকে বলতে পারো কি সে কেমন লম্বা?)
How tall does she look?
How tall she looks?
How tall is she look?
How tall is she looking?
6442. We have to decide when submit the proposal.
do we have to
we have to
we do to
do we to
6443. Which one is correct? [আমাকে বলতে পারো কি সে কখন আসে?
Can you tell me what the time of his arrival?
Can you tell me what is the time he will arrive?
Can you tell me what the time of his arrival is?
Can you tell me what is the time of his arrival?
6444. Who was going to take your photograph Who was going to conduct the test? Who was coming to see me this morning?
you said
did you say
you did say
did you say that
6445. Find the correct sentence. (দশটি ডিমের দাম কত?)
How much the cost is of ten eggs?
How much the ten eggs is costing?
How much is the cost of ten eggs?
How much the ten eggs cost?
6446. What time? [কয়টায় ট্রেন ছাড়ে?]
does the train leave
the train leaves
the train is leaving
does leave the train
6447. Identify the correct sentence. [আমি জানি না সে কোথায় থাকে] a) b ) c) )
I do not know where he lives
I did not know where he has been lived
I do not know where does he lived
I do not know where he has been lived
6448. Choose the correct sentence. [চাকরটি কীভাবে কাজটা করে?]
How the servant does the work ?
How do the servant does the work?
How does the servant the work?
How does the servant do the work?
6449. Choose the sentence. (আমাকে বলো তুমি কেমন আছো।)
Tell me how are you?
Tell me how you are
Tell me how you are?
How are you tell me.
6450. No article is needed/used before -
an adjective
a pronoune
an adverb
a noun
6451. ---water of this lake is pure. (এই জলাশয়ের পানি বিশুদ্ধ)
no article
6452. Could you tell me (তোমার কি আমাকে বলতে পারো কে গতকাল পুরস্কার জিতেছে?)
who has won the prize yesterday?
who did win the prize yesterday?
who won the prize yesterday?
who did won the prize yesterday?
6453. The Prime Minister was asked what...... to do about inner city crime.
did he intend
he intended
intended he
he was intended
6454. When -? (তার মতে কখন যুদ্ধটা সমাপ্ত হবে?)
does he think the war will end
does he think will the war end
he thinks the war will end
he thinks will the war end
6455. No article is used before----
common noun
collective noun
material noun
noun of multitude
6456. Choose the correct sentence. (সে আমাকে জিজ্ঞেস করল আমি কেন দেরি করেছিলাম)
He asked me why I was late.
He asked me why was I late.
He asked me why
He asked me why was I late?
6457. Could you please tell me when ? The missing words are: Can you tell me when? [বলতে পার কি কয়টায় ট্রেন ছাড়ে?]
does the train leave
the train the train
leaves the train
does leaves the train
6458. Do you know? (তুমি/তোমরা কি জান আজ আবির অনুপস্থিত কেন?)
why Abir is absent today
why is Abir absent today
why Abir was absent today
why has Abir absent today
6459. What (to speak) to her about last night? (গতরাত্রে তার সাথে কি ব্যাপারে কথা বলছিলে?)
What have you spoken to her about last night?
What you spoke to her about last night?
What did you speak to her about last night?
Had you spoken to her about last night?
6460. How long-to cross the Atlantic by ship? (জাহাজে আটলান্টিক মহাসাগর পার হতে কম সময় লাগে?)
is it
does it need
does it take
does it want