English MCQ
2041. Mina said to me, 'I was ill.' Indirect speech of the sentence is-
Mina told me that she has been ill.
Mina said to me that she was ill.
Mina told me that I had been ill.
Mina told me that she had been ill.
2042. Draw--picture of --owl. (পেঁচার ছবি আঁক)
the, a
an, the
an, a
a, an / the, an
2043. The indirect speech of- 'Will you buy hair?' asked Della.
Della asked if she would buy her hair.
Della asked will you buy hair?
Della asked will she buy her hair.
Della asked if she will buy her hair
2044. Shilpi said Ryan, do not do it.- Change the speech.
Shilpi prohibited Ryan to do it.
Shilpi ordered Ryan to do it.
Shilpi proposed Ryan not done that.
Shilpi begged Ryan to do it.
2045. Select the indirect form of speech: My father said, 'All that glitters is not gold.'
My father said that all that glitters was not gold.
My father advised that all that glitters is not gold.
My father remarked that all that glitters is not gold.
My father said that all that glitters is not gold.
2046. Mina's mother has gone to-- school to see her.
no article
2047. Do you prefer--- town or --country?
a, a
the, the
an, an
2048. I heard -- knock on-- door. (আমি দরজায় কড়া নাড়ার শব্দ শুনলাম)
a, the
a, an
the, an
an, a
2049. One of Akbar's most vigorous opponents during his lifetime had been -outstanding scholar Sheikh Ahmad and, like Akbar, he was also venerated as--Perfect Man by his own disciples.
the, the
an, a
an ,the
2050. I met Lisa who is a doctor in-- hospital.
no article
2051. Razzak called me a liar. Make direct speech.
Razzak said to me, "You were a liar".
Razzak says to me, "You are a liar".
Razzak told me, "You are a liar".
Razzak said to me, "You are a liar".
2052. Every day-begins at 9 O'clock and ends at 3 O'clock,
a college
the college
2053. --- physicist, Gabriel Fahrenheit, invented the mercury thermometer.(পদার্থবিদ গ্যাব্রিয়েল ফারেনহাইট মার্কারি থার্মোমিটার উদ্ভাবন করেছিলেন)
There is
It is
It is the
2055. Vegetables are delivered to-- prison twice a week.
no article
2056. She said, 'I taught in many schools' - what is the indirect speech of the
She said: she had taught in many schools.
She said that she had taught in many schools.
She said that she taught in many schools.
She said she had education in many schools.
2057. My friend said to me, 'Let us go, you and I.' The correct indirect speech is -.
My friend proposed to me that they might go.
My friend requested me that we could go.
My friend proposed to me that we should go.
My friend suggested that we might be allowed to go.
2058. 'No horizon' was directed by ---Steve Calan, only two years before his death.
the late
a late
of late
2059. He went to –hospital because he had-heart attack.
no article, an
a, an
the, no article
no article, a
2060. 'He questioned softly why I failed.' Change this sentence into reported speech.
He questioned softly, 'Why did you fail?'
He questioned softly, 'Why did I fail?'
He told softly, 'Why have you failed?'
He told softly, 'Why had I failed?'