English MCQ
2543. Who among the following is an English epic poet?
2544. Who created the famous painting "The first plantation"?
Zainul Abedin
Kamrul Hasan
Rashid Chowdhury
S.M. Sultan
2545. Who created the famous painting "The first plantation"?
Zainul Abedin
Kamrul Hasan
Rashid Chowdhury
S.M. Sultan
2546. Can you tell me when -----?
does the train leave
the train leaves
leaves the train
will the train have left
2547. Authour of 'A Farewell to Arms' is-
John Milton
Robert Frost
Robert Browning
Ernest Hemingway
2548. David Copperfield is a/an - novel.
2549. 'War and Peace' গ্রন্থের রচয়িতা কে?
Leo Tolstoy
George Bernard Shaw
William Shakespeare.
Charles Dickens
2550. 'Merchant of Venice' is a play written by-.
George Bernard Shaw
William Shakespeare
O' Henry
William Somerset Maugham
2552. Who refused the Nobel Prize in Literature?
Mo Yan
WB Yeats
Jean-Paul Sartre
JM Synge
2553. "The Charge of the Light Brigade" is written by-
Lord Alfred
Lord Tennison
Alfred Tenyson
2554. Emily Dickinson was:
A British poet
An American poet
A French poet
An Irish poet
2555. Who created the famous painting 'Guernica'?
2556. Author of the poem 'Patriot is-
Mathew Arnold
Robert Herrick
Lord Byron
Robert Browning
2557. I have no idea how long-[আমার কোন ধারণা নেই ভাইভায় কত সময় লাগবে]
does the interview take
will the interview take
takes the interview
the interview will take
2558. He asked me [সে আমাকে জিজ্ঞেস করলো আমি কখন সেখানে গিয়েছিলাম]
when did I go there
when went I there
when I went there
hat when I did go there
when I gone
2559. 'Pride and Prejudice' is written by-
Virginia Woolf
Jane Austen
Emily Bronte
E.B. Browning
2560. William Somerset Maugham is a/an-
American novelist
English playwright
Irish short story writer.
British novelist