2081. I don't know-. [জানি না সে কাকে বিয়ে করবে]
whom he will marry
whom will he marry
who he will marry?
who will he marry
2082. What is the meaning of 'Renaissance'?
The revival of learning
The revival of life
The revival of hard tasks
The revival of a new country
2083. Which one of the following is about sin and punishment?
For the Fallen
Tree at My Window
The Ancient Mariner
A Mother in Manville
2084. . I'm trying to calculate [CU (D) 09-10, (D)12-13] [আমি তোমার কাছে কত টাকা পাই তা হিসাব করছি]
how many money you owe me
you owe me how much money
you owe me how many money
how much money you owe me
2085. Which of the following is not true about Shakespeare?
2086. I don't care how much a) c)
does costs the car
does the car cost
car costs
the car costs
2087. Who is the author of 'The Origin of Species'?
C. Darwin
A. Pope
T. Hardy
2088. I don't know-. [জানি না সে কখন এসেছিল]
when will he come
when he came
where does he go
where did he go
2089. Who is the Turkish novelist?
Orhan Pamuk
W.B. Yeats
Alfred Tennyson
Robert Frost
2090. Who is the writer of 'Arms and the Man'?
William Shakespeare
Somerset Maugham
George Bernard Shaw
Ben Jonson
2091. I don't know where - so early in the morning. a) c)
could he go
he could have gone
could he have gone
could go he
2092. The consumer price index lists [ভোক্তা মূল্য সূচক প্রতিটি গাড়ির মূল্য তালিকাভুক্ত করে]
how much costs every car
how much does every car cost
how much every car costs
how much are every car cost
2094. Who is the first Sourth African woman Nobel Laureate?
Nadine Gordimer
Margaret Atwood
Toni Morrison
Nadia Murad
2095. The Merchant of Venice' is written by
John Milton
John Kyd
2096. Which of the following is chronologically in order?
Chaucer, Spenser, Shelley, Swinburae
Shakespeare, Chaucer, Eliot, Donne
Hughes, Eliot, Yeats, Auden
Hopkins, Browning, Wordsworth, Marvell
2100. Ben Jonson introduced-
comedy of manners
heroic drama
comedy of humours