3661. She is beautiful but she is - her mother.
most beautiful
as beautiful
less beautiful
not so beautiful as
3662. There has not been a great demand for the course, -
hasn't there
shall we
don't we
has there
3663. What is the superlative degree of the word 'shy'?
3664. You'd rather I kept quiet about it, -?
did you
had you
isn't it?
wouldn't you
3666. The word 'least' is the superlative degree of -
3667. They've had two children, -?
don't they
hadn't they
didn't they
haven't they
3668. The roads of Dhaka are wider than - Rajbari.
that of
those of
this of
3669. Nobody here likes that kind of music, -?
does it
doesn't it
don't they
do they
wouldn't they
3670. The man did not come again, -?
was he
didn't he
did he
was not he
3672. He played well yesterday,?
isn't it
wasn't it
is it
didn't he
hadn't he
3673. Put in the suitable tag. I'm late, -?
Am not I
Am I
Aren't I
Isn't i
3674. I thought that was the last one.
the most prettiest of all
the prettiest one from all
prettiest one of all
the prettiest one of all
3675. Choose the correct sentence for the questions:
She wants to come, does she?
She wants to come, won't she?
She wants to come, isn't it?
She wants to come, doesn't she?
3676. 'We were no more surprised than Rahman.'
We were less surprised than Rahman.
We were all surprised..
Rahman was less surprised than us.
We were as surprised as Rahman
3678. We will go home soon,---- The right tag question is:
Will we
wouldn't we?
won't we?
isn’t it
3679. You haven't eaten the entire cake that is made for tonight's party, -?
didn't you
did I
did you
haven't you
3680. Dhaka is becoming one of the - cities in Asia.
more busy
most busiest