4321. Only those who are not serious to their success work by--- - and starts.
long odds
against time
every inch
4322. Every driver must be held --- his own actions.
responsible for
liable to
responsible to
blamed for
4323. 'Through thick and thin' means
under all conditions
not clear in understanding
to make thick and thin
of great density
4324. To end in smoke---
To create fire
To come to nothing
To go through suffering
To see fire
4326. ----his earlier study, the Professor's new study indicates a general warning trend in global weather.
In contrast of
In contrast to
In contrast by
In contrast as
4327. To get along with' means--
to adjust
to accompany
to interest
to walk
4328. Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not seem to (get his ideas across.)
make his ideas understood
get his ideas down pat
summarise his ideas
put together his ideas
4329. The bad news struck him like a bolt from the-
4330. To read between the lines----
to concentrate
to read carefully
to suspect
to grasp the hidden meaning
4331. I decided to go--- with my friend as I needed some exercise.
to a walk
for a walking
for a walk
4332. To put the cart before the horse----
to offer a person what he cannot eat
to raise obstacle to force a person
to do something
to reverse the natural order of things
4334. They travelled to Savar----
on foot
by walking
on their feet
by foot
4335. A person whose 'head' is in the clouds is-
a day dreamer
an aviator .
4336. To keep one's head---
to save oneself
to keep calm
to be self respectful
None of these
4337. The horror movie scared them out of their---
4338. Explain the meaning of 'Bring to pass'.
Cause to destroy
Cause to carry out
Cause to happen
Cause to convince
4339. What is the meaning of 'White Elephant'?
An elephant of white colour
A black marketer
A hoarder
A very costly or troublesome possession
4340. The expression 'after one's own heart' means-.
To be in low spirit
To one's own liking
With complete devotion
To be in high spirit