441. 'Bibliography' means---
History of books
List of books
Worshiper of books
Books of biology
442. Having two possible meanings and not very clear is called-
443. What is the meaning of 'straw vote?
unofficial poll of public opinion.
poli based on representation.
manipulated elections.
yes-no vole
444. A person who writes about his own life writes-
A biographi
A diary
A chronicle
An autobiography
446. The English' refers to-
the English language
the English territory
the English society
the people of England
447. A Pilgrim' is a person who undertakes a journey to---
a new country
a holy place
a bazar
A mosque
448. The word 'contents' is associated with:
A book
a cinema
a computer
a shirt
449. A remedy for all diseases is-.
A biography
450. The meaning of the word 'stigma' is-
a mark of disgrace
a symbol of honor
a spot of an ink
a mark of sandal
452. The science of teaching is called-
453. The word 'anthropology' is related to-
The study of soil
The study of evolution
The study of man kind
The study of mineral
455. The word 'Aesthetic' refers to-
the study of the rules and principles of art.
relating to pure beauty rather than to other considerations.
a person who appreciates beauty.
the study of art and craft.
456. Mrs. Ahmed is very much careful about her three children and does not allow them to make sound even at play time. What should she be called?
457. A 'sceptic' is one who-
is considered to be strange or unusual.
always expects bad things to happen.
believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest.
has doubts about things that other people believe.
458. 'Deciduous' trees are trees those-
have fleshy leaves
have delicious leaves
are extremely big
lose the leaves annually
459. If Socrates had written the events of his life, this would have been called-
a biopic
an autobiography
a biography
a life story
460. What does B. C. E. stands for?
before Christ era
before the common era
before the Christ era
before commort era