61. You had better-- smoking. (তোমার বরং ধুমপান ত্যাগ করা উচিত)
give up
giving up
to give up
given up
62. I have lost my money-bag. I--it somewhere.
must be dropping
must have been dropping
must have dropped
must be dropped
63. Choose the correct sentence. The streets are wet; It--last night.
had rained
has rained
must have rained
would have rained
64. I have lost one of my gloves/shirts. I-- it somewhere.
must be dropping
must have been dropping
must have dropped
must be dropped
66. Suel's score on the test is the highest in the class, she-studied regularly.
should have
must have
might have
67. You had better-- the offer.
68. I have lost my purse. I-- it somewhere.
must be dropping
must have been dropping
must have dropped
must be dropped
70. The general public --a large number of computers now as the prices are decreasing.
must buy
must be buying
must have bought
must have to buy
71. You go to that room, it's forbidden!"
don't have to
don't know how to
72. They laughed a lot last night. The film very funny.
should have been
must have been
should be
was to be
73. The dress and appearance say that he-- all his wealth years back.
must lose
must lost
must be lost
must have lost
74. In order to avoid earthquake hazards, civil engineers had better - soil before making high-rise buildings.
to test
75. People --a lot of mangoes now, because they are cheap now.
must buy
must be buying
must have bought
must have to buy
76. If you don't want to miss the bus, you --finish your tea soon.
had better
will would
78. We had better the chapter carefully.
to review
be review
79. The line is busy; someone should be using the telephone now.
must be using
must have used
should be using
should have used
80. Choose the correct sentence--
Mizan is absent today, he must have been sick again.
Rahim is back in the team today, he must be feeling better now.
The line is busy; some one should be using the telephone now.
She must be study in her room.