821. Choose the correct sentence.
The woman did a suicide
The woman committed suicide
The woman has done suicide
The woman got a suicide
822. Choose the correct sentence:
Let me give you an advice.
Let me give you one advice.
Let me give you a single advice.
Let me give you a piece of advice.
823. Find out the correct sentence. Hints:
More you read more you learn
The more you read more you learn
More you read, the more you learn
The more you read the more you learn
824. Which one is the correct sentence?
He prefers write to read
He prefers writing than reading
He prefers more writing than reading
He prefers writing to reading
825. The teacher told the students that they could do good in the examination only by working hard.
replace good with well
replace do with done
replace told with tell
replace hard with tough
replace by with from
826. What time.....? Complete the sentence.
the train leaves
leaves the train
is the train leaving
does the train leave
827. Choose the correct sentence:
One thirds of the students are absent
One third of the students are absent
One thirds of the student are absent
One third of the student is absent
828. The mother would not eat until she had feed all her children.
replace untill with till
replace eat with ate
replace feed with fed
replace would with will
replace children with child
829. Which one is the correct sentence?
He is boast of his wealth
He is proud on his wealth
He boasts of his wealth
He is boastful in his wealth
830. Choose the correct sentence:
He is junior to me
He is junior than me
He is more junior than me
He is junior by me
831. The jam was so severe that I had no option rather than to walk home.
replace no with any
replace so with such
replace than with then
replace walk with walking
replace rather with other
832. Choose the correct expression:
She was born in 1985.
She has born in 1985.
She has been born in 1985.
She was borne is 1985.
833. Which one is correct?
He is waiting for three hours
He was waiting for three hours
He will be waiting for three hours
He has been waiting for three hours
834. Which one is correct?
I am sure for success
I am sure about success
I am sure of success
I am sure to success
835. Choose the correct sentence:
My sister yesterday visited me.
My sister has visited me yesterday,
My sister visited me yesterday.
My sister had visited me yesterday.
836. Which of the following is the correct sentence?
He has said that what is right
He has said which is right
What has he said is right
What he has said is right
837. Which of the following sentence is correct?
There is no place in the bench.
I got two bread.
It is a nice poem.
I went to home.
838. Which sentence is correct?
The girl burst out of tears
The girl burst into tears
The girl burst out with tears
The girl burst out through tears
839. Which of the following is a correct sentence?
Ten miles are a long distance
Ten miles are long distance
Ten miles is long distance
Ten miles is a long distance
840. I find it very difficult to awaken before ten in the morning.
replace find with finds
replace the with a
replace awaken with wake up
replace before with till
replace in with on