1001. His most trusted friend proved to be a snake in the grass—means:
a sleeping snake
a hidden enemy
a piece of rope
a dead snake
1002. The expression 'take into account" means- -
think seriously
count numbers
1003. The idiom 'Tooth and nail' এর অর্থ কি?
1004. Tooth and nail' means-
None of the above
1005. What is meant by 'Straw vote'?
Unofficial poll of public opinion
Poll based on random representation
Poll based on 'Yes-No' vote
Manipulated voting
1006. Tooth and nail' means-
get by heart
go with heart
tried hard
get hard
1007. To be partial of something' means to -
hate it
like it
want half
preserve it
1008. A snake in the grass-
Secret or hidden enemy
Unforeseen happening
Unrecognizable danger
Unreliable person
1010. I never read instruction manual. I learned how to use the computer by trial and--
1011. Which is the correct meaning of 'Talk out?
settle by talking
out of talke
cannot talk
talk nonsensse
1012. A 'sitting duck' is -
a duck which always remains in a sitting position
an easy target
a duck that cannot swim
a useless person or thing
1013. You should show good manners in the company of young ladies. show good manners means--
behave gently
behave yourself
practice manner
do not talk rudely
1014. Three score is-
thirty times
three times twenty
three hundred times
more than three
1015. Sixes and seven means---
Early evening
six o'clock to seven a clock
a game plated six seven persons
confused or disorganized
1016. 'Straw poll' means---
Yes-no vote
Manipulated voting
Official poll of public opinion
Unofficial survey of public opinion
1017. To be one's wits' end' means-
To become mad
Not to know what to do
To come to the end of the journey
To finish a job
1018. The idiom 'Take the chair' means –
Taking a chair
Make a chaire
Bring the chair
1019. The expression "to see red" means.--
to become very angry
to be enthusiastic (অনুৎসাহী)
to draw blood
to be lethargic (অলস)
1020. I did not mind what he was saying; he was talking only through his hat. through his hat means--
talking ignorantly
talking insultingly
talking irresponsible
talking nonsense