1261. Only those who are not serious to their success work by—and starts.
Long odds
against time
every inch
1263. What is the meaning of the expression "bottom of my heart"
close to my heart
lower part of my heart
core of my heart
close to my liver
1264. 'Burning question' means--
any easy question
A hotly discussed question
a hard question
a very important question
1265. What is the meaning of the idiom 'bury the hatchet'?
stop doing something and going somewhere else
stop quarrelling and become friendly
preserve something for bad days
try to destroy a hatchet
1266. We should avoid burning the candle at both ends; otherwise it will make us suffer. The burning the candle at both ends indicates -
burning the candle fully
both ends to be demolished
burning valuables
1267. The price of daily necessaries increases by –
hook or by crook
fits and starts
and the by
leaps and bounds
1268. Do not burn the candle---
at both ends
in daylight
when you are asleep
when you walk
1269. Bring to book' means –
book written by a famous writer
valueless person st
to rebuke/ punish
book which is lo
1270. By fits and start long means—
1271. If you do something by fits and starts you do it-.
not continuously
1272. "By fits and start" means
at irregular intervals
at rapid rates
at regular intervals
1273. Bury the hatchet' means-
make a noise
make peace
make a hole
bury a dead body
1274. Choose the meaning of 'bring to pass'
cause to happen
cause to destroy
cause to pass
cause to carry out
1275. I am afraid he is burning the candle at both ends and ruining his life. burning the candle at both ends means--
becoming overgenerous
losing his objectives
overtaxing his energies
wasting his money
1276. What is the meaning of the idiom 'a bad egg'?
an unreliable person
a dangerous person
a person who can't create anything
None of these
1277. 'Burning question' means-
Hard question
Much talked about
To set fire to question paper.
To end the issue.
1278. A "burning question" means -
a false question
An important question
A hard question
An uncommon question
1279. What is the meaning of the From the bottom of one's heart phrase "barking up the wrong free"?
Felling a worming tree
Removing the bark of a tree
Pursuing an incorrect lead
Planting a wrong tree
1280. The price of rice is increasing by -
hook or by crook
fits and starts
and the by
leaps and bounds