Idom & Phrase Questions
201. Being down to earth' means:
Close to nature
202. To cut a fine figure signifies-
breaking a beautiful statue
injuring a handsome person
giving a fine impression of oneself
crossing an even number
203. The opposite of the word 'idealistic is-
204. Double jeopardy means –
Judicating twice
Double zero
Duplicate issue
Double Standard
205. It was his constant prayer that he might die in harness.
die in business
die in peace
die in honour
die in bed
206. Dark horse' means-
Frivolous phrase
207. Call names means-
Utter an obscene of word
to remember
208. 'অরণ্যে রোদন বাগধারাটির ইংরেজি অনুবাদ:
weep at forest
wild cries
wild forest
cry in wilderness
209. What is the meaning of the phrase "Come into force'?
Make effective
Utter an obscene word
210. Most of the participants did not expect the victory of a dark horse like him.--
A strong person
A mischievous person
An unknown person
An illiterate person.
212. The soldier (সৌলজার) died in harness' means -
He died in business
He died in honour
He died in peace
He died in dishonour
213. His honesty cannot be (তার সততা সন্দেহাতীত)
taken into account
taken into question
brought to light
called in question
214. A dark horse' means-
a horse which is dark in colour
a horse which was seen in darkness.
a person whose qualities are unknown.
a horse which has been kept in darkness.
215. Who will vote for a dark horse like him?
strong man
rich man
strange man
poor man
216. A "dark horse' means-.
a man who has dark hair, eyes etc.
an ignorant unpleasant person.
a horse black in colour.
a man who does not talk much but surprises others by his qualities
217. In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in harness,--
die on a horseback
die while still working
die in the battlefield.
die with honour
218. 'Die in harness' indicates the correct meaning.
death in a cage
by death before time
continue to the last in one's business or profession
death after prolonged suffering from hernia
219. Dead letter " means:
Draconian law
bad law
old letter
law not in force
220. Dark horse' means-
Dark coloured horse.
Arabian horse
Large horse
A person about whose past is not known