Idom & Phrase Questions
341. What does 'Abode of God' mean?
Home of God
342. At the eleventh hour' means ---
at the last moment
at the best time
at no time
at the first time
343. At daggers drawn' means -
to be in a state of friendship.
to be in a state of understanding.
to be in a state of uneasiness.
to be in a state of hostility
344. At daggers drawn' means-
In a state of violent enmity
crack brain
without any delay.
very poor
345. "Apple of discord" means-
Object of dispute
an attractive object
a valuable object
346. To beg the question' means -
To refer to
To take for granted
To raise objections
To be discussed
347. The winners will be selected ----
at random.
by interviewing
by testing
by chance
348. The expression "after one's own heart" means ---
To be in low spirit
To be in high spirit
To one's own liking
by competition
349. What is the meaning of the phrase 'At home with'
Family relation
at ease
Free al
350. Achilles heel' means
a heel of Achilles
the fault of Achilles
minor fault
the fault which is small but can cause a person's fall
351. His application came at the eleventh hour'- বাক্যটির বাংলা অনুবাদ-
তার আবেদনপত্র ঠিক এগারোটার সময় এল
তার আবেদনপত্র শেষ মুহূর্তে এল
তার আবেদনপত্র দেরিতে এল
তার আবেদনপত্র সকলের শেষে এল
352. "At daggers drawn" means.---
to be in a state of understanding.
to be in a state of hostility.
to be in a state of friendship
In a state of violent enmity
353. The correct meaning of At home '
Clear cut
Within house
354. He is quite at home in English. Here at home' means-
He speaks English at home
He is bad in English
Everybody at home speaks English
He is quite at case with English
355. Choose the option that best expresses the word "brush up”
improve one's previous knowledge by study
pay no attention to
remove by sweeping
356. The old man works at a snail's pace" means
He works smoothly
He works steadily
He works carefully
He works slowly
357. "At draggers drawn" means-
very slowly
on the point of fighting
in disorder
at a standstill
358. At the eleventh hour' means-
at the best time
at the last time
at the first time
at no time
359. The idiom 'At home' এর অর্থ-
Familiar with
Home made of bricks
One who has lost time
Try to make a home
360. He is--- in English.
in the dark
at home
carrying the day
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