Narration MCQ
101. Nafis said to Romel, 'Go away' বাক্যটির indirect speech হবে-
Nafis asked Romel to go away.
Nafis requested Romel to go.
Nafis requested Romel to go away.
Nafis said Romel to go away.
102. Choose the correct indirect speech: He said, 'Man is mortal.'
He said man is mortal.
He told that man had been mortal.
He said that man was mortal.
He said that man is mortal.
103. The indirect speech of the sentence-Sally said to me, 'Please get me a drink' is :-
Sally told me to get a drink for her.
Sally asked me to get her a drink.
Sally told me to get a drink.
Sally inquired me to have a drink for her.
104. Which one in the correct indirect narration? 'Why have you beaten my dog'? he said to me.
He demanded me why had I beaten his dog
He asked me why I have had beaten his dog
He enquired me why had I had beaten his dog
He demanded of me why I had beaten his dog
105. 'I'll have a cup of tea,' my father said, 'Because I'm not hungry.'
My father said that he will have a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
My father said that he would have had a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
My father said that he would have a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
My father said that he had a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
106. Choose the correct indirect form of the following sentence: He said to me, 'I don't believe you'.
He said that he didn't believe you.
He said he hadn't believe me.
He told me that he didn't believe me.
He told me he wouldn't believe me.
107. Choose the correct indirect speech: He said 'What a beautiful bird!'
He said that what a beautiful bird it was.
He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful bird.
He exclaimed that what a beautiful bird.
He said that it was a very beautiful bird.
108. Teacher said, 'The earth - round the sun.'
has moved
will be moving
109. Choose the correct indirect speech-She asked me, 'Are you happy in your new job?"
She asked me if I was happy in my new job
She asked me if I have been happy in my new job
She asked me whether I am happy in my new job
She asked me if I had been happy in my new job
110. I asked him
What is his name
What was his name
What his name is
What his name was
111. He said that he- the previous day.
has come
had come
112. Her half-sister told me that -.
she had done the assignment the previous day
she had do the assignment the previous day
she did the task yesterday
she had done the assinment
113. Choose the direct speech of the sentence: She told me to stand up.
She said, 'Do stand up.'
She said to me, 'Stand up.'
She told, 'Stand up.'
She said me, 'Stand up.'
114. He said, 'Good morning. Mr. Kamal. Change the speech.
He wished Mr. Kamal good morning.
He has wished Mr. Kamal good morning.
He said Mr. Kamal good morning.
He told Mr. Kamal good morning.