Sentence Correction MCQ
341. Every opposition candidate except she was defeated in the election.
except she was
except her were
excepting she was
except her was
excepting she were
342. Find out the correct sentence.
We heard them sing
We heard them to sing
We heard them sang
We heard them to singing
343. Choose the correct sentences- .
Each student of the class took part in the picnic
Each student of the class had taken part in the picnic.
Every student of the class was taken part in the picnic.
Every student of the class took part in the picnic.
344. Select the right sentence.
He will come back by and by.
He will come back bye and bye.
He will come back bye the bye.
He will come back by the by.
345. Choose the correct sentence:
He says me a fool
He shook hands with her.
They know to swim
We discussed about the matter.
346. Choose the correct sentences.
He, not I, am to be held responsible for the loss.
He, not me, is to be held responsible for the loss.
He, not I, is to be held responsible for the loss.
He, not I, is to be hold responsible for the loss.
347. The closing of small, inexpensive retail stores while large expensive super-shops remain open .
seems a luxury that we can no longer afford in order to maintain them
seems a luxury that we can no longer afford in order to maintain them
seems a luxury that we cannot longer afford in order to maintain them
seems as luxurious that we can no longer afford
seems a luxury we can no longer afford seems too luxurious that we can no longer afford in order to maintain them
348. Chose the correct sentence-
He found the books at six and sevens.
He found the books at sixes and sevens.
He found the books in six and sevens.
He found the books in sixes and seven.
349. Choose the right sentence.
Gold is a precious metal.
Gold is precious metal.
The gold is a precious metal.
A gold is precious metal.
350. Find out the correct sentence.
Always respect who is senior from you.
Always respect who is senior of you.
Always respect who is senior to you.
Always respect who is senior than you.
351. Which one of the following sentences is correct?
Rajbari is on the Padma.
The Rajbari is on the Padma.
Rajbari is on Padma.
Rajbari is on a Padma.
352. Find out the incorrect sentence.
See the word in the dictionary
The rice of Dhaka is better than that of Rajshahi
The patient had died before the doctor came.
Mr Rahman is on the committee.
353. Many people mistakenly believe that the market system would automatically ensures fair deal for all the stakeholders regardless of their size, power and position in the value chain.
Many people mistakenly believe that the market system would automatically ensures fair deal
Many people mistakenly believes that the market system will automatically ensure fair deal
Many people mistakenly believe that the market system automatically ensure fair deal
Many people mistakenly believe that the market system will have automatically ensured fair deal
Many people mistakenly believe that the market system automatically ensures fair deal
354. The poor boy was denied treatment because of his parents couldn't pay upfront-.
was denied treatment because of his parents couldn't pay upfront
is denied of treatment because of his parents couldnoť pay upfront
was defined treatment because his parents coundn't pay upfront
has denied treatment because his parents couldn't pay upfront
have denied treatment because his parents couldn't pay upfront
355. This is clearly a masterpiece. Never I had seen another piece of art so unique.
Never I had
I have never not
Never have I
Never I have
I have never
356. Find out the correct sentence.
Do you know where does he live?
Do you know where he lives?
Do you know where he live?
Do you know where does he lives?
357. Which of the following is the correct sentence?
He is tired of the job.
He is tired to his job.
He is tired by the job.
He is tired with the job.
358. Which one is the correct sentence?
He has come last night
He had come last night
He had been coming last night
He came last night
359. It is frustrating, when besides working hard, he didn't earn much.
besides, didn't
in spite of, doesn't
although, didn't
despite, didn't
while don't
360. Find out the correct sentence.
I sold all of my furniture.
I sold all of my furnitures.
I like vegetable.
They have gone for walk.