4761. A compound bar consists of two bars of equal length. Steel bar cross-section is 3500 mm2 and that of brass bar is 3000 mm2. These are subjected to a compressive load 100,000 N. If Eb = 0.2 MN/mm2 and Eb = 0.1 MN/mm2, the stresses developed are:
b=10 N/mm2 s = 20 N/mm2
b=8 N/mm2 s = 16 N/mm2
b=6 N/mm2 s = 12 N/mm2
b=5 N/mm2 s 10 N/mm2
4762. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Isotropic consolidation of clay can be obtained in the triaxial apparatus under equal allround pressure
If the present effective stress is the maximum to which the clay has ever been subjected, it is called normally consolidated clay
If the present effective stress in the past was more than present effective stress, it is called over-consolidated clay
All the above
4763. Which of the following methods is more suitable for the determination of permeability of clayey soil?
Constant head method
Falling head method
Horizontal permeability test
None of the above
4764. The minimum depth of building foundations on
Sandy soils is 80 cm to 100 cm
Clay soils is 90 cm to 160 cm
Rocky soils is 5 cm to 50 cm
All the above
4765. The ultimate bearing capacity of a soil, is
Total load on the bearing area
Safe load on the bearing area
Load at which soil fails
Load at which soil consolidates
4767. Terzaghi's analysis assumes:
Soil is homogeneous and isotropic
Elastic zone has straight boundaries inclined at = to the horizontal and plastic zones fully developed
Failure zones do not extend above the horizontal plane through the base of the footing
All the above
4768. A close coil helical spring of mean diameter D consists of n coils of diameter d. If it carries an axial load W, the energy stored in the spring, is
4WD^2 n/d 4N
4W^2 Dn/d 4N
4W^2D3n/d 4N
4W^2D3n²/d 4N
4769. A suspended particle falls through a height minutes. If the viscosity of water is and specific gravity of the particle is, the diameter of the particle is (where M is a constant factor)
103M (H/t)
104M (H/t)
105M (H/t)
102M (H/t)
4772. The seepage exit gradient in a soil is the ratio of
Total head to the length of seepage
Flow line to slope
Head upstream to that at downstream
Head loss to the length of the seepage
4773. A shaft rotating N.R.M. under a torque T, transmits a power--
/30 Newton metres/sec
/30 Newton metres/min
/60 Newton metres/min
/60 Newton metres/sec
4774. Select the correct statement.
Coefficient of compressibility of an over- consolidated clay is less than that of a normally consolidated clay
Coefficient of compressibility of an over- consolidated clay is greater than that of a normally consolidated clay
Coefficient of compressibility is constant for any clay
None of the above
4775. For better strength and stability, the fine grained soils and coarse grained soils are compacted respectively as
Dry of OMC and wet of OMC
Wet of OMC and dry of OMC
) Wet of OMC and wet of OMC
Dry of OMC and dry of OMC where OMC is optimum
4778. A material is said to be perfectly elastic if--
It regains its original shape on removal of the load
It regains its original shape partially on removal of the load
It does not regain its original shape at all
None of these