15381. . I'm trying to calculate [CU (D) 09-10, (D)12-13] [আমি তোমার কাছে কত টাকা পাই তা হিসাব করছি]
how many money you owe me
you owe me how much money
you owe me how many money
how much money you owe me
15382. I don't know where - so early in the morning. a) c)
could he go
he could have gone
could he have gone
could go he
15383. I don't know-. [জানি না সে কাকে বিয়ে করবে]
whom he will marry
whom will he marry
who he will marry?
who will he marry
15384. Which of the following sentences is correct? [কোথায় তার জন্ম হয়েছিল?]
Where was he born?
When were you born?
Where has he born?
When you born?
15385. Orpheus' parents were-
Apollo and Muse Calliope
Hercules and Athena
Venus and Apollo
Jupiter and Athena
15386. The main character in Paradise Lost Book I and Book II is:
15387. Choose the correct interrogative form.
When did you born?
Where did he born?
When are you born?
Where did he bear?
15388. Who is the first Sourth African woman Nobel Laureate?
Nadine Gordimer
Margaret Atwood
Toni Morrison
Nadia Murad
15389. The poet William Blake has compared the schoolboy to-
a prisoner
a great scholar
a caged bird
brave warrior
15390. What is the meaning of 'Renaissance'?
The revival of learning
The revival of life
The revival of hard tasks
The revival of a new country
15391. Who is the Turkish novelist?
Orhan Pamuk
W.B. Yeats
Alfred Tennyson
Robert Frost
15392. The Merchant of Venice' is written by
John Milton
John Kyd
15393. Who is the author of the novel 'A Golden Age'?
Tony Morrison
Tahmima Anam
Virginia Wolf
Pearl S. Buck
15394. Who is called poet of beauty?
P. B. Shelley
John Keats
W. Wordsworth
15395. Which of the following best describes the author's personal attitude toward rumor.
Excited enthusiasm
Acute indignation
Philosophical interest
Morbid curiosity
15396. Coleridge's poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' is a -
15398. The author of the novel 'The Trial' is:
Victor Hugo
Leo Tolstoy
Franz Kafka
Ernest Hemingway
15399. John has not been able to recall where -.
does she live
she lives
did she lived
lived the girl