ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং মেটেরিয়ালস MCQ
321. The compressive strength of paving bricks should not be less than-
20 MN/m²
30 MN/m²
40 MN/m²
50 MN/m²
326. The percentage of the slag component of Portland-slag cement varies from-
10 to 40%
70 to 80%
40 to 70%
80 to 90%
327. In brick field, pugmill is used for- [BPSC-22]
preparation of clay
drying of bricks
burning of bricks
moulding of bricks
328. The time required for seasoning of timber in kiln seasoning is-
2 to 5 days
5 to 10 days
10 to 20 days
20 to 40 days
330. ইটের Herring-bone bond গাঁথুনি কোন কাজে ব্যবহৃত হয়?
Brick paving
Very thick wall
Partition walls
Footing foundation
331. যদি বালুর FM ৩.০ হয় তবে উক্ত বালুকে বলা হয়-
very fine sand
fine sand
medium sand
332. The amount of gypsum usually added in the manufacture of cement is-
0.5 to 1%
3 to 5%
1 to 3%
0.1 to 0.5%
333. The final setting time of ordinary cement should not be more than-
2 hours,
4 hours
4 hours
10 hours
334. The initial setting time of rapid hardening cement should not be less than--
30 min
4 hours
1 hour
10 hours
337. Initial setting time (minimum) of ordinary port land cement is- [BPSC-22]
60 minutes
45 minutes
30 minutes
20 minutes