21. A simply supported uniform rectangular bar breadth b, depth d and length L carries an isolated load W at its mid-span. The same bar experiences an extension e under same tensile load. The ratio of the maximum deflection to the elongation, is--
22. The greatest load which a spring can carry without getting permanently distorted, is called--
Proof resilience
Proof stress
Proof load
23. The strain energy stored in a spring when subjected to greatest load without being permanently distorted, is called-
Proof resilience
Proof stress
Proof load
26. To determine the force in BD of the truss shown in the given figure a section is passed through BD, CD and CE, and the moments are taken about --
A joint
B joint
C joint
D joint
27. A short column (30 cm x 20 cm) carries a load P1 at 4 cm on one side and another load P2at 8 cm on the other side along a principal section parallel to longer dimension. If the extreme intensity on either side is same, the ratio of P1 to P2 will be--
28. If a solid shaft (diameter 20 cm, length 400 cm, N 0.8105 N/mm2) when subjected to a twisting moment, produces maximum shear stress of 50 N/mm2, the angle of twist in radians, is--
29. For calculating the permissible stress 0 y/[(1+ a(l/r)]is the empirical formula, known as --
Straight line formula
Parabolic formula
Perry's formula
Rankine's formula
31. ml and m2 are the members of two individual simple trusses of a compound truss. The compound truss will be rigid and determinate if
34. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
In a loaded beam, the moment at which the first yield occurs is called yield moment
In a loaded beam, the moment at which the entire section of the beam becomes fully plastic, is called plastic moment
In a fully plastic stage of the beam, the neutral axis divides the section in two sections of equal area
All the above
35. The maximum B.M. due to an isolated load in a three hinged parabolic arch, (span 1 and rise h) having one of its hinges at the crown, occurs on either side of the crown at a distance
36. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Mcg-MM2+r2) where letters carry their usual meanings
Tcpm2+T2)where letters carry their usual meanings
The torque which when acting alone would produce maximum shear stress equal to the maximum shear stress caused by the combined bending and torsion, is called equivalent torque
All the above
37. একক ক্ষেত্রের উপর প্রতিরোধী বলকে বলে --
Strain (বিকৃতি)
Shear (করুন)
Moment (ভ্রামক)
Stress (পীড়ন)
39. The strain energy due to volumetric strain--
Is directly proportional to the volume
Is directly proportional to the square of exerted pressure
Is inversely proportional to Bulk modulus
All the above
40. A wall constructed to resist the leteral pressure of an earth filling is called -
Boundary wall
Vertical wall
Shear wall
Retaining wall