41. Motors used in high-speed applications have-
high torque with high speed
low torque with high speed
high torque with low speed
none of the above
47. The induction motor is preferred to DC motor because it-
provides high-starting torque
provide fine speed control
has simple and rugged construction
none of the above
48. Which of the following quantity maintains the same direction whether a de machine runs as a generator or as a motor?
Induced emf
Armature current
Field current
Supply current
51. The demand for a large increase in torque of a de series motor is met by a-
large decrease in current
large decrease in speed
large increase in speed
large increase in speed
54. A de motor is still used in industrial application because it
is cheap
is simple in construction
provides tine speed control
none of the above
57. The direction of a rotation of a de motor can be determined by
Lenz's law
Fleming's left-hand rule
Fleming's right-hand rule
Ampere's law
59. The emf of a cell does not depend upon
nature of electrolyte
concentration of electrolyte
nature of material of electrodes
size and spacing of electrode