641. The run off a drainage basin is
Initial recharge + ground water accretion + precipitation
Precipitation ground water accretion + initial recharge
Precipitation ground water accretion + initial recharge
Precipitation ground water accretion – initial recharge
649. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Absolute humidity at a given temperature is equal to weight of moisture present in a unit volume.
Relative humidity is the ratio of actual vapour pressure and saturation vapour pressure at the same temperature.
Relative humidity is the ratio of the weight of the vapours present per unit volume to the weight of vapours which could be contained at the same temperature when fully saturated.
All the above
651. To determine the discharge at a section in a stream from its rating curve, the required data are (1) Slope of water surface at the section (ii) Stage at the section (ii) Current meter readings at the section The correct answer is
(i) and (ii)
(ii) and (ii)
Only (ii)
Only (iii)
656. Instantaneous unit hydrograph is a hydrograph of (i) Unit duration (ii) Unit rainfall excess (iii) Infinitely small duration (iv) Infinitely small rainfall excess The correct answer is
(i) and (ii)
(i) and (iv)
(ii) and (iii)
(iii) and (iv)
659. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
The ratio of total volume of voids in soil aggregates to the total volume of aggregate, is called Porosity
Water retained by the interstices due to molecular attraction, is called pellicular water
Sum of the percentage of specific yield and specific retention is 100
All the above