সুইচ গিয়ার এন্ড প্রটেকশন MCQ
101. The bus-bar zone, the purpose of protection includes-and-
Bus-bars, isolating switches, circuit breakers
Transformers, relays, circuit breakers
Transformers, conductors and relays
None of the above
102. In sheet metal blanking, shear is provided on punches and dies so that--
press load is reduced
good cut edge in obtained
warping of sheet is minimized
cut blanks are straight
110. Surge absorbers are used for protection against-
High-voltage low-frequency oscillations
High-voltage high-frequency oscillations
Low-voltage high-frequency oscillations
Low-voltage low-frequency oscillations
115. For the protection of lines against faults Involving variable fault resistance, the preferred relaying scheme is a-
Plain impedance relay
Directional over-current relay
Mho relay
Reactance relay