21. The parallel combination of a 470 Ω resistor and a 680 Ω resistor is in series resistors with the parallel combination of four 2k Ω The total resistance is-
1.650 Ω
1.0782 Ω
778 Ω
23. The output frequency of a full wave rectifier is-
Same as the input frequency
One-half of the input frequency
Double of the input frequency
Independent of the input frequency
26. A voltage divider consists of two 100k resistors and a 12V source. What will the output voltage be if a load resistor of 1 MQ is connected to the output?
5.7 V
6 V
30. The battery connections required to forword bias a pn junction are-
+ve terminal to p and -ve terminal to n
-ve terminal to pand+ ve terminal to n
-ve terminal to p and-ve terminal to n
+ve terminal to pand+ ve terminal to n
32. The purpose of a gate is to---
deliver molten metal into the mold cavity.
act as a reservoir for the molten metal.
feed the molten metal to the casting in order to compensate for the shrinkage.
deliver molten metal from pouring basin to gate