621. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Yield of a drainage basin is the run off at any time
Yield of a drainage basin is the run off over long periods
Yield of a drainage basin is expressed as surface run off per year
Run off is expressed as total volume per day
624. Izzard formula for the time of concentration in minutes for the plots having no channels, is (where Lo is the length of overland flow in metres and Kp rainfall intensity in cm/hour)
T= 111 b. L0 1/3/(Kp)2/3
Т= 222 bL10 1/2/(Kp)1/3
T= 333 b. LO/Kp
T= 111 b. LO 1/3/(Kp)2/5
625. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
If ground water enters the channel, the channel is known as effluent channel
If water goes out of channel to meet ground water, the channel is said to be influent stream
If the water table is at higher level than the water level in channel, ground water flows to the stream
All the above
633. The main function of a divide wall is to
Control the silt entry in the canal
Prevent river floods from entering the canal
Separate the under-sluices from weir proper
Provide smooth flow at sufficiently low velocity
638. The stage of river carrying a discharge of Q m/sec at a point is 10 m and slope of water surface is (1/4000). The discharge of a flood same point and same stage of 10 m with a water surface slope of (1/1000) will be
0.5 Q m3/sec
2 Q m3/sec
4 Q m3 sec