801. The voltage of a particular bus is regulated by controlling the --
Active power of the bus
Reactive power of the bus
Phase angle
Phase angle and reactive power
802. The over-voltage surge in power systems may be caused by-
All of the above
803. Which of the following bus-bar schemes has the lowest cost?
Ring bus-bar scheme
Single bus-bar scheme
Breaker and a half scheme
Main and transfer scheme
804. -relays are preferred for phase fault on short transmission line
Induction type
None of the above
805. The relay with inverse time characteristic will operate within--
1.5 sec
5 to 20 sec
5 to 10 sec
20 to 30 sec
806. A bus-bar is rated by-
Current only
Voltage only
Current, voltage and frequency
Current, voltage, frequency and short circuit current
807. Surge absorbers are used for protection against-
High-voltage low-frequency oscillations
High-voltage high-frequency oscillations
Low-voltage high-frequency oscillations
Low-voltage low-frequency oscillations
808. The material used for bus-bar should have-
Low resistivity
Low cost
High-softening temperature
All of the above
809. -relays are used for phase faults on long line.
Either of the above
810. The under voltage relay can be used for--
Bus bars
All of the above
811. When an alternator connected to the bus-bar is shut down the bus-bar voltage will --
Remain unchanged
None of the above
812. The single phasing relays are used for the protection of-
Single phase motors only
Two phase motors only
Two single phase motors running in parallel
Three phase motors
813. The relay operating speed depends upon-
The spring tension
The rate of flux built up
Armature core air gap
All of the above
814. Both voltage and current signals are required for-
A plain over-current relay
A differential relay
A directional relay
A biased directional relay
815. Where severe synchronising swing occur, the relay employed is
Impedance relay
Mho relay
Reactance relay
Induction relay
816. In the case of transmission line protection, over current relay is used-
Only up to 110kV
Only up to 220kV
Only up to 50k V
Only up to 1100k V
817. The bus-bar zone, the purpose of protection includes-and-
Bus-bars, isolating switches, circuit breakers
Transformers, relays, circuit breakers
Transformers, conductors and relays
None of the above
818. Which of the following can be used for bus-bars?
Any of the above
819. Which of the following equipment is used to limit short circuit current level in a sub-station?
Lightning switch
Coupling capacitor
Series reactor
820. The relay used for phase fault protection of short transmission lines is-
Reactance relay
Mho relay
Impedance relay
IDMT relay