English MCQ
301. As they waited Rahim argued against war-
while his brother discusses the effects of pollution.
while his brother discussed the effects of pollution.
while his brother was discussing the effects of pollution. .
while his brother had discussed the effects of pollution
302. I- my exercise because I didn't understand the questions.
will not
303. The students aren't prepared - the examination.
to work
to listen
to take
to give
304. Would you mind ---in this office?
not smoking
not smoke to
not to smoke
not to smoking
305. Radio waves, travelling at the speed of light, have-- their discoveries to Earth.
for bringing
to be brought
306. After-- suspended for misbehavior, the student requested reconsideration.
having been
307. A reward has been announced for the employees who-hard.
have worked
has worked
will be work
have had worked
308. The oncologist studied the results of the biopsy and decided -- additional tests.
he should ordering
should order
to order
309. Lack of exercise and high fat diets have-- to be factors in heart attacks.
long known
been been long known
known been long
long been known
311. The Parthenon is said erected in the Age of Pericles.
to have become
to have begun
to have been
to have had begun
312. She is shocked because she - a terrible accident.
has seen
is going to see
313. Which of the following makes correct use of 'transitive verb'?
The policeman stopped the car.
He speaks loudly.
How do you do?
Some of the gifts were very expensive
314. An intensive search was conducted by the detective to locate those criminals who --
have had escaped
are escaping
had escaped
have been escaping
315. Which sentence in the following options does not maintain the correct causative structure?
Let us go then, you and I.
I am getting my brother to send me a copy of Beginning Modemism.
I am getting my brother to send me a copy of Beginning Modemism.
Zarah has made the tailor to stitch a specially designed costome for upcoming festival
316. I wish I-- you ten years earlier.
have met
had met
would have met
318. While he-- in the garden, a snake bit him.
was walking
is walking
319. Jahan decided - the car.
not to buy
not buying
to buying
none of the above
320. When I--money, I will buy a book.
may get
may be got
will get