English MCQ
281. 'I want to lose eight, yet I eat chocolate thinly, this sentence is a/an-
Simple sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Optative sentence
282. We (not have) a holiday since the beginning of the year. Which of the following verb forms best completes the above sentence?
did not have
are not having
have not had
had not had
286. How many eggs have your hens-- this month? -Which of the following words best completes the above sentence?
287. Which one of the following sentence contains the correct superlative degree?
I love you more than I can say.
Money is sweeter than honey.
No other flowing is as beautiful as the rose.
The Padma Bridge is one of the longest bridges in Asia.
288. Almost everyone fails- on the first try.
in passing his driver's test
to his driver's test
to have passed his driver's test
passing his driver's test
289. Which one of the following is incorrect?
Inform the police of the mater
Who is to bell the cat?
Cut the sentence
He prevented me from going there
290. It's time (you realize) your mistakes. Which of the following clause best fits in the above sentence?
you realized
you would realize
that you realize
you have realized
293. He said to her, 'what a cold day" Select the correct Indirect speech
He told her that what it was a cold day.
He exclaims that it was a cold day.
He exclaims sorrowfully that if was a cold day.
He exclaimed that it was a very cold day.
294. The correct passive structure of thesentence. 'Let her sing a song'
A song let her sang be her.
A song let he sung by the.
Let her a song be sung.
Let a song be sung by her.
295. 'অনুকম্পা' শব্দের ইংরেজি কোনটি?
296. Identify the appropriate tag question?
He went to Rangpur last week, does not he
He went in Rangpur last week, don't he?
He went to Rangpur last week, isn't he?
He went to Rangpur last week, didn't he?
297. Complete the sentence with the best option. If you had studied hard,
You would succeed in the examination
You should have succeeded in the examination
You could succeed in the examination
You would have succeeded in the examination
298. কোনটি "Bretton Woods Institutions" এর অন্তর্ভুক্ত?
299. The speaker failed to make the audience to him patiently-- Which of the following is the correct verb form in the blank above?
to listen