English MCQ
4821. A speech full of too many words is-
A big speech
An unimportant speech
Maiden speech
A verbose speech
4822. The idiomatic expression 'cut back' means
return to previous position
stop production
reducing expenditure
reducing interest rate
4823. 'Bill of fare' is-
A chart of bus fare
A valuable document
A list of dishes at a restaurant
A price list
4824. I have never seen such a slow coach like you, this small work has taken you three full months. What does the idiom' a slow coach' mean?
an irresponsible person
an unthoughtful person
a careless person
a very lazy person
4825. You should (show good manners) in the company of young ladies. -Which is the appropriate phrase for the underlined expression above?
behave gently
practise manners
behave yourself
do not talk rudely
4826. The condition of most slum dwellers is so miserable that it (cannot be described in words). Which is the best phrase for the underlined expression above?
beggars description
boils down to this
cuts to the quick
keeps open house
4827. A 'bull market' means, that share prices are-
4828. 'A dark coloured horse' means:
An unknown quality
a dark
a black horse
Invisible horse
4829. What is the meaning of 'Soft Soap'?
Flatter for self motives
To speak high of others
To speak ill of others
To recognise other's good deeds
4830. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime in (cold blood).What does the bracket idiom above mean?
in cool brain and calculated thought
so patiently and thoughtfully
stirred by sudden emotion
so impatiently and thoughtlessly
4831. The expression 'true to their salt' means
very religious
faithful to their employers
very honest
none of these
4832. What is the meaning of the expression 'bottom line'?
The end of a road
The last line of a book
The essential point
The final step
4833. 'Hold water' means-
Keep water
Drink water
Bear examination
Store water
4834. . What is the meaning of the idiom 'a round dozen'?
a little less than a dozen
a little more than a dozen
a full dozen
round about a dozen
4835. A bolt from the blue means.
A thunderstrom
Sky falling on ones head
A sudden unfortunate occurrence
None of the above
4836. The invention of computer has turned (over a new leaf) in the history of modern technology. -Which of the following is nearest in meaning to the bracket idiom above?
created a new history
began a new civiliztion
opened a new chapter
created a sensation
4837. 'Blue chips' are-
Securities issued by the government
Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
Industrial shares considered to be a risky investment
Flat plastic counters used as money tokens
4838. 'Dog days' means-
a period of being carefree
a period of misfortune
A period of having youthful flings
hot weather
4839. Trying unitedly we were able to have our project approved against strong oppositions. Which of the following says nearly the same as 'against' above?
in the wake of
in the guise of
in the plea of
in the teeth of
4840. To meet trouble half-way means--
To be puzzled
To get nervous
To be disappointed
To bear up