English MCQ
4862. Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not seem to (get his ideas across.)
make his ideas understood
get his ideas down pat
summarise his ideas
put together his ideas
4865. ----his earlier study, the Professor's new study indicates a general warning trend in global weather.
In contrast of
In contrast to
In contrast by
In contrast as
4866. 'Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield' is taken from the poem written by-
Robert Browning
Matthew Arnold
Alfred Tennyson
Lord Byron
4867. 'Pip' is the protagonist in Charles Dicken's novel-
A Christmas Carol
A Tale of Two Cities
Oliver Twist
Great Expectations
4868. The idiom 'A stitch in time saves nine'-refers to the importance of-
saving lives
timely action
saving time
time tailoring
4869. 'Time held me green and dying Though I sang in my chains like the sea. 'These lines have been quoted from Dylan Thomas' poem-
The Flower
Fern Hill
By Fire
After the Funeral
4872. The phrase 'Achilles' heel' means :
A strong point
A permanent solution
A weak point
A serious idea
4873. 'Maiden speech' means-
First speech
Maid servant's speech
Middle speech
Final speech
4874. The phrase 'nouveau riche' means-
Riche rich
Well off
New high class
New rich
4875. 03. Choose the meaning of the idiom— 'Take the bull by the horns'.
To challenge the enemy with courage
Force the enemy to submit
Out of one's wit
Surrender before the enemy
4876. Only those who are not serious to their success work by--- - and starts.
long odds
against time
every inch
4877. The expression 'take into account' means-
count numbers
think seriously
4878. 'Why, then, 'tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.' This extract is taken from the drama-
King Lear
As You Like it
4879. To end in smoke---
To create fire
To come to nothing
To go through suffering
To see fire