English MCQ
1701. "To get wind of something' means –
to hear of something
to taste something
to dislike something
to clear up something
1702. The maritime boundary of Bangladesh was an now the issue has been resolved. What does 'apple of discord' mean here? apple of discord for a long time but That piece of land was a bone of contention between the two countries.
a matter of dispute
a source of food
something to negotiate
battlefield (যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র)
1703. 'Big bug' means
useful person
unemployed person
important person
employed person
1704. Although he has failed in the written examination, he is using backstairs influence to get the job. backstairs influence Means--
political influence
backing influence
Deserving and proper influence
secret and unfair influence
1705. Go all out' means -
Try hard
Expose everything
Everybody unsuccessful T
o harm
1706. Choose the appropriate meaning of 'Green Horn'
A person who lacks in experience
One who grows vegetables
A jealous person
A reliable person
1707. The word 'boring chore' means -
wasteful effort
absorbing thought
tiresome job
uninteresting work.
1708. It is all Greek to me' The sentence means:
I understand something
I understand nothing
I understand everything
I understand many things
1709. Gift of the gab' means -
to speak fast
speaking much
speaking not clearly
None of them
1710. 'Bag and baggage' means-
heavy things
leaving nothing behind
costly things
1711. Growing up socially (সামাজিক হওয়া)' means-
to help other people.
to help sisters and brothers.
to know how to live together.
to live in a society.
1712. The expression 'browbeating' means
Raising eyebrows
Showing indifference
Frightening someone
Showing surprise
1713. The paternal property is between the two brothers.
up and doing
in blue color
at a premium
the bone of contention
1714. The prairie fires could be set by lightning by the carelessness of greenhorns in the country. Choose the correct meaning of the word "greenhorns' in this sentence.
Persons who lacks experiences
Pastoral folks
Skilled persons
the cruel persons
1715. A greenhorn is a person who has
much experience
no experience
best experience
little experience
1716. He is 'green horn in politics' means he is
quite nervous
1717. It sounds Greek and Latin. The sentence is related to -
easy language
difficult meaning
1718. The idiom "between the devil and the deep sea" means-
happy situation
difficult situation
tempting situation
easy situation
1719. I know nothing about the language; it is all to me.
1720. To get along with means-
to adjust
to interest
to accompany
to walk