3501. He shut the door and went out (make it simple)
Shutting the door, he went out.
He shutting the door before went out.
He went out shutting door.
Closing the door he went out.
3504. He decided-put….. a job as a Probationary Officer.
to, up, for
to, in, for
to, forward, for
to, off, for
3509. Fill in the gap with the following preposition: I have a savings account…… Standard Chartered Bank
3513. I am offended …… you …… your conduct.
with, at
with, on
at, on
with, for
3517. The shirt is…...
after my taste
before my taste
after one's taste
according to my taste
3520. Ariyan was stabbed- a lunatic….. a dagger.
with, with
by, by
with, by
by, with