3541. Fill in the blanks: She aspires ….. a scientific career.
3543. What is the compound form of the sentence-'She kept her promise'?
She made a promise to keep.
She made a promise so that she could keep it.
She not only made a promise but also kept it.
As she made a promise, she kept it.
3544. Besides going to the book fair, I bought a number of books. (Compound)
I not only went to the book fair but also bought a number of books.
I went to the book fair and bought a number of books.
Going to the book fair, I bought a number of books.
I bought a number of books when I went to the book fair.
3545. I wish I had seen you before. (Exclamatory)
Wow! I seen you before.
Had I seen you before!
Oh! I seen you before.
If I seen you before.
3546. 'None can do this' এর interrogative form কি হবে?
Can none do this?
Who cannot do this?
Can anyone do this?
Who can do this?
3547. What a fool he is! (Assertive)
It is he who is a fool
He is very fool
He is a fool, of course
He is a great fool
3548. He acted on my advice-complex form of this sentence is ---
I advised him and he acted.
He acted according to my advice.
I advised him that he acted.
He acted as I advised him.
3550. Choose the simple sentence of 'Munir is a boy who is good.
Munir is being a good boy.
Munir is not an ugly boy.
Munir has been a good boy.
Munir is a good boy.
3551. 'Man is mortal'-এর সঠিক Negative sentence কোনটি?
Man is not mortal.
Man is immortal.
No man is mortal.
No man is immortal.
3552. My wife reminds me…..
of my appointment
to my appointments
my appointments
about my appointments
3553. The complex form of the sentence: 'Study hard or you will fail' is-
If you do not study hard, you will fail
If you study hard, you will fail
If you not study hard, you will fail
In case of your study hard, you will fail
3554. I know you. (Complex)
I know what you are
I know who you are
I know who are you
I know what are you
3560. A child likes sweets only. The negative form of the sentence is-
A child likes none but sweets.
A child likes nothing but sweets.
A child likes but sweets.
A child likes not more sweets.