3581. What is the superlative degree of the word 'evil'?
most evil
3583. Supposedly, digital versatile disks, or DVDs as they are called, are resistant to scratching-records.
much, than
such, that
so, as
far more, than
3584. These are---- results I have ever had in an exam!
the worst
most worse
3585. The hard-working girl earns-
twice as much as her half-sister
twice as many as her half-sister
twice as best as her half-sister
twice as good as her half-sister
3587. The Disney Amusement Park in Japan is Florida or California.
the largest of the ones in
larger than the ones in
the largest than the ones in
larger the ones in
3588. My students' sleepless nights became - as the finals approached.
so frequently
more frequent
much more frequently
as frequent
3589. The greater the demand, ---the price.
the highest
the higher
3590. Complete the following with appropriate words - he gets-.
The richer, the more friends he has
Richer, more he has friends
Richer, more friends he has
The richer, the more he has friends
3591. Microscopes make small things appear larger than(Choose the word/phrase that best completes the sentence)
really are
are really
are they really
they really are
3592. The hotter it is ----
miserable I feel
the more miserable i feel.
feel the miserable feel
the most miserable I feel
3593. I thought that---- was the last one.
the most prettiest of all
the prettiest one from all
prettiest one of all
the prettiest of all
3594. She boasted that no other car could run-,
so fast like her car
as fast like her car
as far like the car of her
as fast as her car
3595. Which sentence is correct?
More you read, less you understand.
The more you read, less you understand.
The more you read, the less you understand.
More you read, the less you understand.
3596. Although we often use 'speed' and 'velocity' interchangeably, in a sense. "speed' is not always-velocity.
the same as
3597. English is today the third native language worldwide after Chinese and Hindi, with some 380 million speakers.
most spoken
more spoken
least spoken s
3598. Effort is painful, it may be very painful and yet, while making it, we feel that it is the work it results in, because, thanks to it, we have drawn from ourselves not only all that was there, but more than was there: We have raised ourselves above ourselves.
so precious, and perhaps precious than
as precious as, and perhaps as more precious than
more precious than, and perhaps as precious as
as precious as, and perhaps more precious than
3599. The more we-- mathematical problems---
Solve-- the less we feel shaky
do not solve ----the more we get clever
solve ---the less we get clever
solved ---the more we feel shaky
3600. A comedy ----is than an action movie.
more funny
most funny