582. Today is ____ than yesterday. fill in the blank with -
more sunny
most sunny
583. Find out the correct sentence
He ended up in jail after stealing goods from his neighbour's house
He played football across the year
He bored others through his acts
He is a guy with plentiful noise
He tells the truth
584. Which one of the following is correct sentence?
The harbour was full of ships of different nationalities.
I sometimes meet friends in a near restaurant.
He is so patriotic that he refuses to foreign goods.
Inside the examination room we could neither smoke or talk.
We were much afraid that we would miss flight
585. Let us begin by looking at the minutes of the meeting. Here the underlined word means-
time record
time frame
written record
written analysis
586. Choose the correct sentence.
The man died from his country
The man died by his country
The man died of his country
The man died for his country
588. Not once has our neighbour invited us into his house'.--
Our neighbour has invited us into his house not once but many times.
Our neighbour has never invited us into his house.
Occasionally our neighbour has invited us into his house.
Our neighbour has not always invited us into his house.
589. The word ' omnivorous' means:
eating all types of food
eating only meat
eating only fruits
eating grass and plants only
590. If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he or she is-
attached to them
addicted to them
committed to them
devoted to them
591. 'It is time to review the protocol on testing nuclear weapons'. Here the underlined word protocol means-
Record of rules
Summary of rules
592. . The team ______ (work) hard to achieve their goal.
have worked
are working
was working
594. Choose the correct one:
595. A speech of too many words is called-
A big speech
An unimportant speech
Maiden speech
A verbose speech
596. Choose the correct sentence.
One should obey his parent
one should obeys his parent
One should obey one's parent
One must obey his parent
597. The word 'officialese' means-
plural number of official
plural number of office
language used in offices
vague expressions
598. Which one is the correct sentence?
The man died by cholera.
The man died of cholera.
The man died with cholera.
The man died out of cholera.
The man died in cholera.
599. To 'raise ones brows' indicates-
600. Would you mind______?
looking for the matter
looking at the matter
to look into the matter
looking into the matter