1141. A fish out of water' means-
an uncomfortable situation for a man.
a fish which has been out of water.
a comfortable situation
a fish in trouble
1142. The die is cast means---
the death news is broadcast
somebody escaped his death
the decision that can be changed
the decision that cannot be changed
1143. Pick out the meaning of this idiom: To fish in troubled waters
to catch fish in rough water
to take a dip in the river
to aggravate the situation
to make a personal profit out of disturbance
1144. FOR GOOD' means -
For a good cause
1145. Few and far between' means:
very few
in between
distant thing
in frequent
1146. Choose the correct meaning of "A fish out of water"
without stopping
under scribable Ansic
in an uneasy state
1147. He has left the country for ---(সে চিরতরে দেশ ছাড়ল)
1148. The phrase, 'flare up' means-
to gain weight
to walk fast
to increase in confidence
to chase a star
1149. He has left the country for good means-
He has left the country for his own good.
He has left the country for foreign good.
He has left the country permanently.
He wants to buy goods things.
1150. Do you feel--- taking a walk? (তোমার কি হাঁটতে ইচ্ছে করছে?)
up to
1151. For good' means-
For betterment
For the future prosperity
For the time being
1152. Few and far between' means-
not very far
in between
long distance
1153. A flying visit means -
A very long visit
A very short visit
A very nice visit
None of them
1154. Fight shy of means---
Very shy
Fight unitedly
Fight consistently
1155. To flog a dead horse' means -
to fight for a lost cause
to act in a foolish way
to take interest in an obsolete subject
to treat an incurable patient
1156. The idiom "from frying pan to fire" means-
to jump
to get burnt badly
to get excited (উত্তেজিত হওয়া)
to be in a worse position
1157. Nowab Serajuddola---- conspiracy, (ষড়যন্ত্রের শিকার হয়েছিলেন)
Fell a victim of
fell into
Fall victim to
got into
1158. Footloose and fancy-free' means -
Whose foot is lost
free to enjoy oneself
1159. A foregone conclusion' means-
an uneasy situation
an anticipated result
false hope
quite familiar
1160. Few and far between' means---
At times
A short distance