181. Riders to the Sea is-
a novella
a theatrical adaptation of
a poem an epic poem
a one-act play
182. Who is not a Victorian poet?
Matthew Arnold
Alexander Pope
Alfred Tennyson
Robert Browning
183. The romantic age in English literature began with the publication of -.
Preface to Shakespeare
Preface to Lyrical Ballads
Preface to Ancient Mariners
Preface to Dr. Johnson
184. The play Arms and the Man is by-
James Joyce
George Bernard Shaw
Samuel Beckett
Arthur Miller
185. The poem 'The Solitary Reaper' is written by-
W.H. Auden
W. Wordsworth
W.B. Yeats
Ezra Pound
186. 'Gitanjali' of Rabindranath Tagore was translated by-
W. B. Yeats
Robert Frost
John Keats
Rudyard Kipling
187. Othello is a Shakespeare's play about-
A Jew
A Roman
A Turk
A Moor
188. The Merchant of Venice' is a Shakespearean play about-
a Jew
a Moor
a Roman
a Turk
189. 'Jacobean Period' of English Literature refers to -
190. Who among the following writers is not a Nobel Laureate?
T.S. Eliot
Toni Morrison
Grahame Greene
William Faulkner
191. The play 'Candida' is by-
James Joyce
G. B. Shaw
Arthur Miller
192. Of the following authors, who wrote an epic?
John Milton
William Cowper
Jane Mansfield
William Shakespeare
193. Shakespeare's 'Measure for Measure' is a successful-
194. Which of the following writers belong to the Elizabethan period?
Christopher Marlowe
Alexander Pope
John Dryden
Samuel Beckett
195. Which of the following writers belongs to the romantic period in English literature?
A. Tennyson
Alexander Pope
John Dryden
S.T. Coleridge
196. Which of the following books is written by Thomas Hardy?
The Return of the Native
Pride and Prejudice
Oliver Twist
Vanity Fair
197. The most famous satirist in English literature is -
Jonathan Swift
Joseph Addison
Alexander Pope
Richard Steel
198. The poem 'Isle of Innisfree' is written by-
Dylan Thomas
Ezra Pound
W.H. Auden
W.B. Yeats
199. Who is known as 'the poet of nature' in English literature?
Lord Tennyson
John Milton
William Wordsworth
John Keats
200. 'A Passage to India' is written by-
E. M. Forster
Rudyard Kipling
Galls Worthy
A. H. Auden