41. Who is the author of 'The Origin of Species'?
C. Darwin
A. Pope
T. Hardy
42. Authour of 'A Farewell to Arms' is-
John Milton
Robert Frost
Robert Browning
Ernest Hemingway
44. Who is the writer of 'Arms and the Man'?
William Shakespeare
Somerset Maugham
George Bernard Shaw
Ben Jonson
45. Author of the poem 'Patriot is-
Mathew Arnold
Robert Herrick
Lord Byron
Robert Browning
47. Who wrote 'The Diary of a Young girl'?
Katie Stagliano
Ryan Hrelijac
Anne Frank
Dylan Mahalingam
49. Who created the famous painting 'Guernica'?
50. Which one of the following is about sin and punishment?
For the Fallen
Tree at My Window
The Ancient Mariner
A Mother in Manville
52. Ben Jonson introduced-
comedy of manners
heroic drama
comedy of humours
53. Which of the following dramas is not a tragedy?
Julius Caesar
The Tempest
King Lear
54. Who created the famous painting "The first plantation"?
Zainul Abedin
Kamrul Hasan
Rashid Chowdhury
S.M. Sultan
55. Who is not a romantic poet?
S.T. Coleridge
John Keats
T.S. Eliot
P.B. Shelley
56. Who is the writer of 'The Good Earth'?
Virginia Woolf
Leo Tolstoy
George Eliot
Pearl S. Buck
57. আধুনিক ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের জনক কে?
G.B. Shaw
58. Who created the famous painting "The first plantation"?
Zainul Abedin
Kamrul Hasan
Rashid Chowdhury
S.M. Sultan
59. In the recent times, eminent Bangladeshi writer--- translated Shakespeare's play. Machbeth.
Abdullah Al Mamun
Syed Shamsul Haq
Selim Al Deen
Mamumur Rashid
60. Who is an essayist?
J.S. Mill
Francis Bacon
Charles Dickens
W.H. Newman