1. Which one is a phrase/idioms of 'অল্পের জন্য বেঁচে যাওয়া'
A close shave
A close counter
A close distance
2. What is the meaning of the phrase ''a bad egg'' ?
false hope
out dated
wicked man
very poor
4. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom. "Gear up for"
Start off
Pass into
Get ready for
Put on
5. The always do many good things for society.
ere long
big guns
sheet anchor
yellow dog
6. You are not ------- a good man.
as well as
as long as
at once
at all
7. The principal is--- in the college.
all and sundry
all in all
all the same
all at once
8. Go all out' means-
Expose everything
Everybody unsuccessful
To harm
Try hard
9. 'All at once' means--
10. The price of rice is increasing-.
by fits and starts
by all means
by and large
by leaps and bounds
11. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom. "All eyes"
Watching with anger
Watching eagerly
Watching with no interest
Not watching at all
12. Which one is the meaning of 'Cut and dry'?
মর্মাহত হওয়া
খারাপ ফল করা
পূর্বেই মিমাংশিত