41. How long I shall stay is doubtful. (make it simple)
My stay is doubtful.
My intention to stay will be doubtful.
The time of my stay is doubtful.
The duration of my stay is doubtful.
42. Lina called a repairer to fix her reading desk. The person came and fixed it. We can say:
Lina fixed her reading desk.
Lina had her reading desk repaired.
Lina repaired her reading desk.
Lina could not fix her reading desk.
43. He studied hard in order that Complete the sentence with the appropriate option.
he may do well in the examination.
he could cut a good figure in the examination.
he ought to do well in the examination.
he can do well in the examination.
44. Transform the sentence into negative. He had to suffer for his sins.
He has no alternative to suffer for his sins.
He would not but suffer for his sins.
He is not but suffer for his sins.
He could not but suffer for his sins.
45. Change the negative sentence into affirmative There is nobody who will not die.
Everybody will be died.
Everybody would die.
Eveybody shall die.
Everybody will die.
46. The negative form of the sentence 'He is always on time' is-
He is not always on time.
He does not come late.
He is never late.
He does not fail to come on time.
47. Our present house suits us. Make it complex.
The house which we live suits us.
The house is suitable where we live.
The house in which we live is suitable.
The house in which we live at present suits us.
48. He shut the door and went out (make it simple)
Shutting the door, he went out.
He shutting the door before went out.
He went out shutting door.
Closing the door he went out.
49. Unless you do as I tell you, you will regret it. (make it compound)
Do as I tell you, or you will regret it.
I will tell you, and you will regret it.
Do as I tell you, or you will be regretful.
I will tell you otherwise you will regret.
50. A child likes sweets only'. The negative form of the sentence is-
A child likes none but sweets.
A child likes nothing but sweets.
A child likes but sweets.
A child likes not more sweets.
51. He appeared at the examination but failed. (Transform into complex sentence)
Though he appeared at the examination but failed.
He was appeared at the examination but failed.
Having he appeared at the examination but failed.
Being he appeared at the examination but failed.
52. He saw the girl and fell in love immediately. (make it complex)
As soon as he saw the girl, he fell in love with her.
Seeing the girl, he fill in love quickly. .
Seeing the girl, immediately he fill in love.
He fell in live soon after seeing the girl
53. Find the SIMPLE form of the sentence, 'I heard that she was singing'.
I heard her to sing.
I heard her singing
I heard her being sing.
I heard her song
54. In case of your failure to move, you will die (Make compound sentence)
You shall move to die.
You will to move to die.
If you do not move, you will die.
Move or die.
55. 'Only the science students can apply for the post. Transform the sentence from affirmative to negative.
Science students should not apply for the post.
Other than science students no one should apply.
Science students can only apply for the post.
None but the science students can apply for the post.
56. No soooner had the bowler bowled than the umpire called it a 'No'. Transform the sentence into positive.
As soon as the bowler bowled, the umpire called it a No.
Hardly had the bowler bowled when the umpire called it a 'No'.
Scarcely had the bowler bowled when the umpire called it a 'No'.
When the bowler bowled, the umpire called a 'No'
57. The correct complex form of the sentence 'A rolling stone gathers no moss' is
A stone that gathers no moss is rolling.
Since a stone is rolling, it will gather no moss.
Though a stone rolls, it gathers no moss.
A stone that is rolling gathers no moss
58. 'If I were a child again' what will be the assertive form?
I expect to be a child again.
I wish I am a child again.
I hope I was a child again.
I wish I were a child again.
59. Choose the correct combination of the sentences: I felt last winter. I am afraid of icy sidewalks.
Since I fell last winter, I am afraid of icy sidewalks.
Since I am afraid of icy sidewalks, I fell last winter.
I fell last winter, I am afraid of icy sidewalks.
I fell last winter for icy sidewalks, I am afraid.
60. I know you. (make it complex)
I know you.
I know who are you.
I know who you are.
I know what are you.