41. Can anybody tell me (কেউ বলতে পার কি সে দেখতে কেমন লম্বা?)
How tall does she look?
How tall she looks?
How tall is she look?
How tall is she looking?
42. The soldiers were unable to determine where -
had the jeep been left
had been the jeep left
the jeep had been left
has the left jeep
did jeep been leave
43. I have no idea how long-[আমার কোন ধারণা নেই ভাইভায় কত সময় লাগবে]
does the interview take
will the interview take
takes the interview
the interview will take
44. Between whom? (কার কার মধ্যে লড়াইটি হয়েছিল?)
the battle fought
the battle was fighting
the battle was fought
was the battle fought
45. . Choose the correct option. [এই শব্দের অর্থ কি?/এই শব্দ দ্বারা কি বোঝায়?]
What means this word?
What does mean this word?
What does this word mean?
What is this word mean?
46. Do you know when -
the results will publish?
will the results publish?
the results will be published?
are the results published?
47. He asked me [সে আমাকে জিজ্ঞেস করলো আমি কখন সেখানে গিয়েছিলাম]
when did I go there
when went I there
when I went there
hat when I did go there
when I gone
48. A: Do you know? (তুমি জানো কি সে কে?) B: No. I've never seen him before. (না। আমি তাকে আগে কখনো দেখিনি)
who is he
who he's
who's he
who he is
49. Which one is incorrect sentence?
Why do you do it?
Why did you do it?
Why will you do it
Why you do it?
50. He asked me [সে আমাকে জিজ্ঞেস করলো আমার নাম কি]
what is your name.
what was your name.
what your name was.
what my name was.
51. What-at ten o'clock when I phoned? [দশটায় আমি যখন ফোন করেছিলাম তখন কি করছিলে?]
did you do
you were doing [
were you doing
did you
52. How much to buy the ticket for the match?
it cost
it does cost
does it cost
it costs
53. When?" I'm sure. More than 100 years ago.
did the telephone invent
has the telephone invented
was invented the telephone
was the telephone invented
54. Can you tell me (তুমি কি আমাকে বলতে পার সে কখন আসতেছে?)
when he is coming
when is he coming
when does he come
when did he come
55. Could you tell me -----? [কটা/কয়টা বাজে বলতে পারবে কি?]
what's the time
What time is it?
What is it time ?
what time it is
what time
56. What time......?(ফিল্ম কটায় শুরু হয়?)
begins the film
does begin the film
does the film begin
does the film begins
57. Find out the correct sentence. [ কয়টা বাজে?]
When have the programme start?
When is the programme going to start?
When the programme start?
When the programme going to start?
58. Can you tell me when -----?
does the train leave
the train leaves
leaves the train
will the train have left
59. Do you know at night? [তুমি কি জানো রাতে কতক্ষণ পরপর বাস চলাচল করে?]
how often does the bus run
how often do the buses running
how often will the bus run
often the bus runs
60. He asked me why (সে আমাকে জিজ্ঞেস করল আমি কেন কথা বলেছিলাম)
I speak
did I speak
I spoke
do I speak