81. Choose the correct sentence: (বাড়িটা কার?)
Whose does the house belong to?
To whom does the house belong to?
Who does the house belong to?
Who belongs to the house?
82. Which one of the following sentences is correct? (তুমি কি জানো বাড়িটা কার?)
Do you know who the house belongs to?
Do you know whom does the house belong to?
Do you know to whom the house belongs to?
Do you know who the house belong to?
83. What you (to do) last night?[গতরাত্রে কি করেছিলে?
What did you do last night?
What you did last night?
What had you done last night?
What have you done last night?
84. Can you tell me where--? Which of the following is the best clause in the above sentence?
Does Mr. Ali live
Mr. Ali does live
Mr. Ali lives
lives Mr. Ali
85. Do you know when? (তুমি কি জানো কবে/কখন ঢাবি প্রতিষ্ঠা করা হয়েছিল?)
DU was founded
was DU founded al qola
had DU been founded
DU founded
86. I asked him(আমি তাকে জিজ্ঞেস করলাম তার নাম কি)
what is his name
what was his name
what his name is
what his name was
87. Please let me know why the class. (আমাকে বলো ক্লাসে যাওনি কেন) )
you didn't attend ban
didn't you attend
you didn't attend to Sm
you didn't go
88. I don't remember (আমি তার নাম মনে করতে পারি না।)
what is her name
her name is what
what her name is
is what her name
89. When to her? [তুমি কখন তার সাথে কথা বলেছিলে?]
you talked
talked you
did you talk
did you talked
90. Which of the following sentences is not correct?
Where did he went?
What does he want?
What are they doing?
What do they do?
91. Choose the correct sentence. [বইটা কার?]
Who belongs to the book?
Whom does the book belong?
To who the book belongs?
Who does the book belong to?
92. Where? ......(কোথায় তোমার জন্ম হয়েছিল?)
were you born
are you born
have you been born
did you born
93. Nobody knows why - postponed until next week. [কেউ জানে না কেন আগামী সপ্তাহ পর্যন্ত মিটিং স্থগিত করা হলো]
is the meeting
did the meeting
was the meeting
the meeting was
94. Select the correct sentence.[তুমি কি জান তুমি কার সাথে কথা বলছ?]
Do you know who are you talking to?
Do you know whom you are talking to?
Do you know you are talking to who?
Do you know are you talking to whom?
95. Choose the correct sentence. [তুমিপুরাতন গাড়িটা কেন কিনলে?]
Why you bought the old car?
Why did you buy the old car?
Why you did buy the old car?
Why do you bought the old car?
96. Choose the correct sentence.
What you passed your BA examination?
Please tell me why have you come to me.
What time did you go to bed last evening?
Why you are angry with your brother?
97. What surprised me the most was how -and reacted exactly like you, said the banker to me.
did he look
does he look
he looked
could he look
98. Which one is the sentence? [সেখানে কি ঘটেছে?]
What happened there?
What was happened there?
What did happen there?
Did anything happened there?
99. Nobody knows why postponed until next week.
the meeting
was the meeting
did the meeting
the meeting was
100. I often wonder how ---- (আমি প্রায়ই ভাবি তুমি কীভাবে চলছো)
you are get on
are you get on
you are getting on
are you getting on