3881. The elevation Z of the watershed is: (where letters carry their usual meanings)
Reduced level of the top most point of the basin
Reduced level of the lower most point of the basin
Average elevation of the highest and lowest point of the drainage basin
Obtained by the formula Z=+++anzn)/A
3882. কোন কম্পাসের পাঠমান ঢাকনি কাচের উপর দিয়ে পড়তে হয়?
প্রিজমেটিক কম্পাস
সার্ভেয়ার কম্পাস
নৌ কম্পাস
ট্রাফ কম্পাস
3883. কোন জ্যামিতিক নীতির ওপর ভিত্তি করে পেন্টাগ্রাফ নির্মিত হয়?
রৈখিক নীতি
সামান্তরিক নীতি
কৌণিক নীতি
কোনটি নয়
3884. In case of non-availability of space due to topography, the most suitable spillway is
Straight drop spillway
Shaft spillway
Chute spillway
Ogee spillway
3885. গুলনসহ চিমটা যন্ত্রটি ব্যবহৃত হয়-
কম্পাস জরিপে
শিকল জরিপে
প্লেন টেবিল জরিপে
থিওডোলাইট জরিপে
3886. h flood estimate, is useful only for the catchments in
Southern India
Northern India
Eastern India
Western India
3887. কোন জরিপে একই সাথে মাঠের কাজ ও নকশায়ন সম্পন্ন হয়?
কম্পাস জরিপ
শিকল জরিপ
প্লেন টেবিল জরিপ
থিওডোলাইট জরিপ
3888. Silt excluders are constructed on the
River bed upstream of head regulator
River bed downstream of head regulator
Canal bed upstream of head regulator
Canal bed downstream of head regulator
3889. For a proportional outlet, the flexibility is
Between zero and 1
Greater than 1
3890. The uplift pressure on the face of a drainage gallery in a dam is taken as
Hydrostatic pressure at toe
Average of hydrostatic pressure at toe and heel
Two-third of hydrostatic pressure at toe plus one- third of hydrostatic pressure at heel
None of the above
3891. The radius of influence is-
Radius of the main well
Distance from the wall of main well to the point of zero draw down
Distance from the centre of main well to the point of zero draw down
None of these
3892. ছোট স্কেলের নকশায়নে বিশেষ উপযোগী-
কম্পাস জরিপ
শিকল জরিপ
প্লেন টেবিল জরিপ
থিওডোলাইট জরিপ
3893. For a catchment area of 120 km², the equilibrium discharge in m3/hour of a Scurve obtained by the summation of 6 hour unit hydro graph is
0,2 x 106
3894. As compared to gravity dams, earthen dams
Are costlier
Are less susceptible to failure
Require sound rock foundations
Require less skilled labour
3895. জরিপ কাজে সর্বাধিক ব্যবহৃত কম্পাসের নাম-
প্রিজমেটিক কম্পাস
সার্ভেয়ার কম্পাস
নৌ কম্পাস
ট্রাফ কম্পাস
3896. A control meter is preferred to a weir because
It measures the discharge even in silt Leiden streams
The velocity of approach of the channel increases above the control, and thus removes the silt completely.
It is not damaged by floating debris
All the above
3897. If the dew point is greater than 0°C
Dew will be formed
Frost will be formed
Vapours will be formed
None of these
3898. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Rivers, lakes, oceans and springs get water from the rains
Rain water is obtained by evaporation from rivers, lakes and oceans
Water remains in atmosphere as vapours
All the above
3899. For an annual flood series arranged in descending order of magnitude, the return for a magnitude in a total is
3900. The specifications of most commonly used standard gauges in India, are
200 sq. cm collector and 4 litres bottle
100 sq. em collector and 2 litres bottle
200 sq. em collector and 10 litres bottle
100 sq. em collector and