14661. After food has been dried or canned for later consumption.
it should be stored
that it should be stored
should be stored
which should be stored
14662. The indirect form of the sentence 'He said, 'Let me have some milk'. is:
He said that he wanted same milk
He prayed that he might have some milk
He said that he might have some milk
He wished that he might have some milk
14663. Change the narration : The captain says, 'Company, move forward.'
The Captain commands the company to move forward.
The Captain Commanded to move the company forward.
The Captain instructed the company for a forward move.
The Captain requests the company to move forward.
14664. The man - his last on last Sunday.
14665. To breathe (ব্রীদ) one's last' means--
to sleep
to breathe
to suffer
to die
14666. He said to her 'What a cold day!' The indirect speech of this :
He told her that it was a cold day.
He exclaimed that it was a cold day.
He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was a cold day.
He exclaimed that it was a very cold day.
14668. One of the four sentences, given below is grammatically wrong. Choose the wrong sentence:
The land is belonged to an old lady
They parted from one another suddenly
The leader expressed himself forcibly
Mother bought me an icecream
14669. Pandit Ramkannani Das—at the age of 79
passed away
disappeared away
went away
14671. "The man passed away' means that he-
went away
ran away
walked out
14672. Which is the correct sentence?
He insisted on seeing her
He insisted for seeing her
He insisted in seeing her
He insisted to be seeing her
14673. Choose the correct sentence:
He refrained to take any drastic action
He refrained on taking any drastic action
He refrained in taking any drastic action
He refrained from taking any drastic action
14674. 'The old man kicked the bucket' means that he ---
was very angry
destroyed the bucket
14675. 'To give up the ghost' is to -
to die
to make a false appearance
to leave useless pursuit
to go by a scientific outlook.
14676. The indirect form of the sentence "He said, 'Let us go for a walk." is
He said that they must go for a walk.
He suggested that they should go for a walk.
He proposed that they would go for walk.
He proposed to go for walk.
14677. One of the four sentences, given below is grammatically wrong. Choose the wrong sentence:
He was always arguing with his brother.
His failure resulted for lack of attention.
When will you write to him about your plan?
Who was the boy you were all laughing at?
14678. Identify the correct sentence?
Yesterday, he has gone home ,
Yesterday he did gone home ,
Yesterday he had gone home ,
Yesterday he went home
14679. He said, 'I can do the work.' The indirect narration is-
He said that he can do the work.
He said that I could do the work.
He said that I will do the work.
He said that he could do the work.
14680. Each of the sons followed - father's trade.