14901. When Penicillin? (ফ্লেমিং কখন পেনিসিলিন আবিষ্কার করেছিলেন?)
did Fleming invent
Fleming invented
Fleming invents
has Fleming invented
14902. Do you have any idea (তোমার কোনো ধারণা আছে কি বইটির দাম কত?)
how much does the book cost?
how much is the cost of the book?
how much the book costs?
what is the cost of the book?
14903. What time......?(ফিল্ম কটায় শুরু হয়?)
begins the film
does begin the film
does the film begin
does the film begins
14904. Choose the correct sentence from the following.
Where you think this story took place?
Where did you think did this story take place?
Where do you think this story took place?
Where do you think this story take place?
14905. Which one is the correct sentence?
Tell me why have you done this?
Tell me why you have done this.
Tell me why did you done this?
Tell me why do done this you?
14906. Do you know when -
the results will publish?
will the results publish?
the results will be published?
are the results published?
14907. Can anybody tell me (কেউ বলতে পার কি সে দেখতে কেমন লম্বা?)
How tall does she look?
How tall she looks?
How tall is she look?
How tall is she looking?
14908. Which sentence is correct? [এটা কোথায় ঘটেছিল?]
Where did it happen?
Where it happened?
Where was it happened?
Where happened it?
14909. Which sentence is correct? [বলতে পার তার নাম কি?]
Can you tell what is his name?
Can you tell me what is his name?
Can you tell me what his name is?
Can you tell me what name is his?
14910. Could you tell me ? (আমাকে বলতে পারতেন কি বাস স্টপটি কোথায়?)
where is the bus stop
the bus stop is where
where the bus stop is
is where the bus stop
14911. Can you tell me (তুমি কি আমাকে বলতে পার সে কখন আসতেছে?)
when he is coming
when is he coming
when does he come
when did he come
14912. Between whom? (কার কার মধ্যে লড়াইটি হয়েছিল?)
the battle fought
the battle was fighting
the battle was fought
was the battle fought
14913. What (to speak) to her about last night? (গতরাত্রে তার সাথে কি ব্যাপারে কথা বলছিলে?)
What have you spoken to her about last night?
What you spoke to her about last night?
What did you speak to her about last night?
Had you spoken to her about last night?
14914. Choose the correct sentence. [বলতে পার কি কয়টায় সিনেমা শুরু হয়?]
Can they tell you what time does the movie start?
Can they say you what time the movie starts?
Can they tell you when time the movie starts?
Can they tell you what time the movie starts?
14915. Do you know -?[সে কে জানো কি?]
who is he
who he is
whose he
who's is he
14916. use the medieval Bengali legend in the poem?
the poet
is the poet
does the poet
do every poet
14917. This highway patrol stopped our car and asked us where --- This police officer stopped us and asked us where
were we going
are we going
we are going
we were going
14918. Do you know at night? [তুমি কি জানো রাতে কতক্ষণ পরপর বাস চলাচল করে?]
how often does the bus run
how often do the buses running
how often will the bus run
often the bus runs
14919. How long-to cross the Atlantic by ship? (জাহাজে আটলান্টিক মহাসাগর পার হতে কম সময় লাগে?)
is it
does it need
does it take
does it want
14920. Which one is correct? [আমাকে বলতে পারো কি সে কখন আসে?
Can you tell me what the time of his arrival?
Can you tell me what is the time he will arrive?
Can you tell me what the time of his arrival is?
Can you tell me what is the time of his arrival?