14921. He asked me [সে আমাকে জিজ্ঞেস করলো আমার নাম কি]
what is your name.
what was your name.
what your name was.
what my name was.
14922. English is-language of ---people of England. (ইংরেজি ইংল্যান্ডের লোকের ভাষা)
The, the
The, an
A, the
No article
14923. What-at ten o'clock when I phoned? [দশটায় আমি যখন ফোন করেছিলাম তখন কি করছিলে?]
did you do
you were doing [
were you doing
did you
14924. 113.---- AIDS virus infection is incurable. (এইডস ভাইরাসের সংক্রমণ অনারোগ্য)
No article
14925. Bengali is-language of ---- people of Bangladesh.
The, the
The, an
A, the
No article
14926. How much to buy the ticket for the match?
it cost
it does cost
does it cost
it costs
14927. -----Bangladeshis are a brave nation. (বাংলাদেশিরা সাহসী জাতি)
no article
14928. . Choose the correct option. [এই শব্দের অর্থ কি?/এই শব্দ দ্বারা কি বোঝায়?]
What means this word?
What does mean this word?
What does this word mean?
What is this word mean?
14929. The French' refers to-
the French people
the French manners
the French language
the French society
14930. Which one is incorrect sentence?
Why do you do it?
Why did you do it?
Why will you do it
Why you do it?
14931. 92. Of---two girlsshe is the better.
No article
14933. French is-----language of ---- people of France.
The, the
The, an
A, the
No article
14934. A: Do you know? (তুমি জানো কি সে কে?) B: No. I've never seen him before. (না। আমি তাকে আগে কখনো দেখিনি)
who is he
who he's
who's he
who he is
14935. He asked me why (সে আমাকে জিজ্ঞেস করল আমি কেন কথা বলেছিলাম)
I speak
did I speak
I spoke
do I speak
14936. Find out the correct sentence. [ কয়টা বাজে?]
When have the programme start?
When is the programme going to start?
When the programme start?
When the programme going to start?
14937. ---- Bangladeshis are proud of their glorious past.
no article
14938. When?" I'm sure. More than 100 years ago.
did the telephone invent
has the telephone invented
was invented the telephone
was the telephone invented
14939. This is ---- better of----two.
A, an
A, a
The, the
X, the
14940. The English means -
The English speaking countries
The English Language
The English people
The English Literature