2567. The arrow in the symbol of a transistor indicates the direction of-
electron current in the emitter.
electron current in the collector.
hole current in the emitter.
donor ion current.
2569. ডিজিটাল রেকর্ডার কত প্রকার?
৩ প্রকার
২ প্রকার
৪ প্রকার
৫ প্রকার
2570. 2B. If PIV rating of a diode is exceeded-
the diode stops conduction.
the diode is destroyed.
the diode conducts heavily in the forward direction.
nothing happens.
2571. Suppose you are checking a 50 Hz full-wave bridge rectifier and observe that output has a 50 Hz ripple, then-
circuit is working properly.
trnsformer secondary is shorted.
there is an open diode.
the filter capacitor is leaky.
2577. When there is no forbidden region between the conductance band and valence band, the substance is called:
2580. The primary function of a centre-tapped transformer in a power supply is to-
step up the voltage.
step down the voltage.
cause the diodes conduct alternately.
may step up or step down the voltage.